解密福克斯:默多克的新闻界战争原名:Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism,
Outfoxed examines how ***** empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know.
This is how dominant news station works. What a model!
**时期的fox就是天朝的****啊。eveyone can take a stand, but what you can't do is not letting others to take their stands.
Who's to say this is not partisan???
新闻媒体在这个社会的作用是什么?We report,you decide。这或许是对新闻媒体应该起的作用的一个很好的概括。但新闻媒体控制了消息的源头,你所有的decide只能局限于他的report,而不可能超越他的report。
居然看到Cronkite了,声音哈有磁性。We report, you decide好一个掩耳盗铃的谎言。
conservative 'fair/balance', blurred story, well-baked lies, staged demo, muddy argument, manipulating *****, effective branding, journalism eliminated: cut it, stop, shut up. no news channel reported less. 'some people say'. Richard Clarke! no equal amount of time. flip-flop
3.5 美国左翼纪录片导演拍摄的电影,在默多克的丑闻还没出来之前拍得,其实本片更多的是在给狐狸台揭短,看看无妨。狐狸台的时评主持人牛气跋扈得很,喉舌倾向明显,令我想起某著名电台节目主持人。
7.5-8/10 传播学学生必看 Political economies and power relationships。学了*****被**—啥媒体内容都是有目的的。看这一开始也许会不冷静恨媒体恨得牙痒痒,但是转念一想,what's behind this DOC?