大胖考2011原名:The Big Fat Quiz of the Year,又名The Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2011
The 2010 show was recorded on 13 December and aired on 3 January 2011. The teams were: Wagner: Jonathan Ross and Ruth Jones Posh & Specs: Michael McIntyre and Alan Carr The Electric Moccasins: Richard Ayoade and Noel Fielding Guest questions were provided by Nicole Scherzinger, Jack Black, Simon Pegg, Russell Brand, Seth Rogen, the cast of Misfits and Will Ferrell. The children...
jimmy carr的笑声**力好大,听多了莫名烦躁。继richard和诺妞之后的最合拍组合david和**达是也,Eddie参加quiz show竟然在底下google,jimmy和**达俩人抢他手机,快笑抽了
clyz2h4l dnripns3 e6gs7fgf himself
IMDb上说**在2011年这期出现了,花了1个半小时看完结果连提问题的都没有。。。不过看见David Walliams真是惊喜啊,调侃friday那点儿快笑疯了
笑抽了!!!!即使有最烦的jimmy主持也挡不住了!!!!!!妈蛋大卫和女巨人太扯了!!!!肉丝叔也好好笑!!!FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY BY SUSAN BOYLE!!【够
虽然Jimmy Carr这个**我真心不喜欢但是我真的好喜欢那帮小**在一起闹哄哄的样子啊啊啊啊我依旧觉得诺妞和Russell才是真爱。
Hilariously fun. Childishly clever. I even found Jimmy Carr not that annoying!