奶奶的葬礼原名:Adieu Berthe - L'enterrement de mémé,又名Granny's Funeral
Granny is dead. Berthe is no ****. Armand's grandmother had sort of slipped his mind... Armand runs a pharmacy in the Paris suburbs with his wife, Helene. In a medicine cabinet he hides his magical equipment - he's secretly preparing a show for the daughter... of his lover, Alix. And Granny? Should she be buried or cremated? Who was Berthe?
coquelicot,現場玩圍巾的導演\小Berthe和Noémie Lvovsky,原來這片和Camille redouble還有雷乃的Vous n'avez encore rien vu同時拍的,演員串場跟鄰居串門一樣輕巧
Rencontre avec le réalisateur
Valérie Lemercier就是电影 《Le petit Nicolas》里扮演nicolas的妈妈嘛~