彼得潘原名:Peter Pan,
Peter *** enters the nursery of the Darling children and, with the **** of fairy dust, leads them off to Never Never Land, where they meet the nefarious Captain Hook.
演技太浮夸,受不了……中间一段Tinker Bell垂死,Peter ***哀求观众为她拍手以拯救她的生命……是我见过最雷的一次“打破第四面墙”……
4.5+ 特效给跪,视听出色,把家喻户晓的童真故事拍得优雅美好,以至于改动了Peter losing Wendy的ending也让人欢喜。默片夸张的表演风格很适合童话。贝蒂·**森女扮男装的潘清秀又可爱(I'm youth, eternal youth! I'm joy! 55555),Esther Ralston忧郁的目光也打动人心。这应该是我看到过最早的影片中有跟观众互动的情节,也很符合它的童话特质。动物全是人演的,辛苦lmao...虽然限于**,但黄柳霜来扮演**莉莉并且戏份少得可怜这实在是怎么看怎么...problematic
7。never never land的小盆友大战海盗
Nana the dog!(跟鱷魚是同一個人扮的)
6.5/10 I was surprised by the scene where Peter *** directly addresses the audience and brings interaction across the fourth wall. It is probably the first I’ve ever seen in early cinema. Also, there is the beautiful superimposed image with Peter’s silhouette and Hook’s portrait one over another, indicating the shared dictatorship and lack of love.
Oh, Wendy's mother, I don't want to grow up! Don't want to be President!
好萌~ 赞特技,找到的都是零零散散的视*,是不是已经没有完整拷贝了?
超过《****》成为观看的最久远电影。ps. 女主好漂亮!!!!