鬼屋之影原名:House of the Long Shadows,
A quick glimpse at the cast for this film would make any horror fan giddy with glee. The actual movie doesn't live up to those high expectations, but it's far from being all bad. Desi Arnaz Jr. (!) plays an author who makes a crazy $20,000 bet with his publisher that he could write a ***** novel in only 24 hours. To do so, the publisher gives him the keys to an old abandoned ho...
为三位恐怖片皇帝和恍如隔世的结尾加一星,戏里戏外都是自娱自乐的重聚。Vincent Price, Chistopher Lee和Peter Cushing三个老友开了个**派对,邀来了John Carradine,科学怪人的新娘Elsa Lanchester因病缺席
Bloody boring, not worth the long journey to Birmingham **** University, especially on this rainy day.
一场闹剧一场梦,唯一的看点就是Peter Cushing, John Carradine, Christopher Lee和Vincent Price四位恐怖电影大师一起出演了本片~
以「戏中戏」的嵌套方式讲述一个惊悚版「呼啸山庄」的故事,前半段略带搞笑,**部分一气呵成,最后还有一丝对类型作品的讽刺。Peter Cushing, John Carradine, Christopher Lee, Vincent price群星荟萃。
情怀向,结尾想到水叮当《******* Heroes》的歌词:We are the Horror Heroes, we are the ones who're gonna last forever.
啊哈哈还蛮可爱的 这么多大咖 悬疑的时候真的很引人入胜 后面又一堆反转 就冲老年班底精彩演出都值得一看
好好笑又好可爱的小故事诶,难得还充满正能量(?)这样。老李出场就在猜是大****,哪有那么高大帅气**(?)的路人。结尾聚个餐老文老李互相**,库老头在和女士交流顺便围观二狗**(?)太好笑了【就真是分工有别,库这个小老头只能承担“water boy”哈哈哈哈哈这吐槽太适合了【不【就剧情来说用horror的形式让作家care也是很独特了,“老房有喜”indeed