饮食文化原名:Cultural Flavors: 13-Part Global Culinary Tour,又名舌尖上的世界美食
Cultural Flavors is a cooking tour that takes you around the world one dish at a time. Each episode of this 13 part series provides viewers with a snapshot of life around the dinner ***** of a different country. In every episode, the unique characteristics of local cuisine are shown, and afterwards each recipe is recreated step-by-step. Highlighted are the spices, vegetables, m...
画质还可以但摆拍**背景有点过时,像十几年前的。然后介绍的也比较片面,只能说是猎奇的看个热闹吧,中国黎巴嫩墨西哥泰国苏丹尼泊 韩国**阿富汗意大利。跟各国饮食文化没多少关系,就是随便抓个国家随便抓个菜出来给你们看看过程。
Online ****://***.iqiyi****/jilupian/20130105/7c57458d64c85918.html?*****_id=51d50d8b3d44be96d60c0c1330ab56ca&bucket=bkt_main&area=rec02&rank=14&tag=