大学清道夫原名:A Chump at Oxford,又名老瑞和哈迪之漫游牛津
With Stan in drag, the boys get jobs as a butler and maid for a dinner ***** at the Vandevere's. After that ends in disaster, they're reduced to sweeping streets, and accidentally capture a bank robber. The grateful bank president sends them to Oxford for a proper education. There they become victims of student pranks, getting lost in the Maze and taking over the Dean's quarter...
6.5分 1,劳莱与哈代之前作品里的梗被再次拿来运用。不过前20分钟由于是为欧洲发行额外加上的,故事前后没有连贯,但prologue的创意(尤以开场三次搭车)让人称赞 2,相当怀疑怀尔德的《热情似火》深受他们影响获灵感而创作,劳莱扮女装,双男CP组合的设定和喜剧风格,几乎是怀尔德喜剧的先驱 3,竟然还有闪灵的迷宫。三手游戏,以及扫帚当做***球杆,明显还有默片的残留 4,不过早期有声喜剧在剧本上的薄弱在此作中还是凸显无疑
看到上世纪四十年代的片子里后Radcliffe Camera和University Church of St Mary the Virgin感觉好亲切,虽然它们已有**历史了,但82年前的片子里看到它们还是感觉很神奇,不过不知道牛津有maze啊
好无聊的故事,笑点真低……Peter Cushing出演的第三部电影,在里面饰演一个恶作剧的学生Jones