犬儒,鼠辈,暴徒原名:Il cinico, l'infame, il violento,又名The Cynic, the Rat & the Fist
The Cynic, The Rat and The Fist clearly takes influence regarding it's central theme from the Sergio Leone masterpiece 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly', and here we follow the fortunes of three strong male characters as their lives intertwine in the name of crime. Director Umberto Lenzi plied his trade in a number of Italy's most popular genres, and his resume includes the like...
意大利版“辣手神探”系列,剧情和人物设置都有鲜明的**印记和类型片气息。作为正义的化身,翻版东木头“辣手神探”依然是大打出手永远不输:相对应的丑角Tomas Milian,则是阴冷狡黠和**。其实很不习惯70年代他这一系列的都市犯罪look,总觉得没有意粉西部片**那么生动*爆。
3.5 不过不失吧,Milian演一个绰号拆腻斯的颇具野心的头目,爱好是发死人卡。
很成熟的犯罪片了 伦齐拍起来真是游刃有余 音乐很棒 那个带眼镜过激光的桥段应该是纵横四海里红酒过激光的出处了