1971年7月身在洛杉矶,住在沙滩街,工作在坎杨戏院,游泳在月亮谷原名:July '71 in San Francisco, Living at Beach Street, Working at Canyon Cinema, Swimming in the Valley of the Moon,
Diary films have become a distinct genre of the independent film movement. Like a written diary, they forego the necessity of plot, character development and other attributes of a well-constructed story and concentrate simply but lovingly on the day-to-day or moment-to-moment events happening to the filmmakers. Peter Hutton's film is, to ** mind, one of the best of the genre - ...
4.1 黑白无声的影像为日常性的记录蒙上了一层宿命感和朦胧美,整部影片像是人在将死之时脑海中一闪而过的关于生命中美好时光的回忆。
A cinema of the shot; the photographic moving images. 对纯影像的极度虔诚。PH风格中绝对少见的镜头运动大量出现在这里。