An unconventional portrait of a small village trapped out of time and located on the Galicia-Portugal border, Eloy Enciso Cachafeiro’s Arraianos is one of those rare films where description is inadequate: like the landscape of the village of Arraianos itself, it’s something to experience. Staged Straubian moments of fiction stand alongside documentary moments of everyday villag...
哈哈哈,so typical Spanish film.. 就是也说不上不好看,但就是看完一脸懵*不知道在讲什么。还好有映后谈,大概了解原来是有舞台剧改编加上二次以原生态纪录片形式重新拍摄剪辑,其中深林困局影射Francisco Franco**统治背景……原来是这样orz