纽约夜现场!原名:Live From New York!,
"Saturday Night Live" has been reflecting and influencing life in the United States for 40 years. Live From New York! goes deep inside this cultural phenomenon exploring the laughter that pulses through American politics, tragedy and popular culture.
"It's part of the American culture. It has reflected it, but it's also influenced it." 有一台具有持續性、時效性、反思性的反應當代美國政治熱點和流行文化的娛樂節目已經著實不易,還真有許多人在這裡幹了三四十年。關於SNL的紀錄片今年看了三部,這部算是最邏輯最清晰立場也拔得最高的。
Having our ****’s institutions up and running sends a message that New York **** is open for business. SNL is one of our ***** NYC institutions, and that’s why it’s important for you to do your show tonight. We don’t go on because we‘re ready. We go on because it’s 11:30.
Live From New York, it's Saturday night!