哈姆雷特或者少一些原名:Amleto di meno, Un,
An experimental video variation on Shakespeare's Hamlet, n intresting experiment mixing the unique Carmelo Bene's vocal thechnique with experimental filmaking. The movie is a part of Carmelo Bene's multi-medial ******* on Hamlet, also including the theatrical movie "Un Amleto di meno", a stage drama and the TV-movie "Hommelette for Hamlet".
2。作品不容易接近,但电影史终会给他正确的位置 VS 做作不容易接近,但玷蝇*终会给它*撅的位置
还是能看到哈姆雷特的影子的。虽然导演把这种pop cult风格发挥得也不错,但毕竟不如佐杜洛夫斯基和贾曼更彻底