暴力规则原名:폭력의 법칙: 나쁜 피 두 번째 이야기,又名The Rule of Violence
The most violent answer to school violence! High school student Seong-jin commits ******* after being the victim of school violence for a long time. Three years later, one of his bullies Han Yeo-wool debuts as a celebrity. Seong-jin’s brother, Seong-hyeon blames himself for not recognizing the pain his brother went though and finds a comment on Han Yeo-wool’s news report that S...
听别人的事是故事,发生在自己身上就是事故 以暴制暴的**,全家出动
网上的资源都是没有字幕的 只看了解说版的 韩国学校霸凌真是出了名的
나름 재미있게 본 영화이다. 영화보다 더 재미나는 감독의 제작일지가 있을줄은 생각하지도 못했다. 제작일지때문에 별하나 추가됨. 링크: ****://blog.naver****/skykang777/2204982