别名:A Man Is Dead / The Outside Man
类型: 剧情 动作 惊悚 犯罪
语言:法语 / 英语
地区:意大利 / 法国 / 美国
导演: 雅克·德雷
演员: 让-路易·特兰蒂尼昂 安-玛格丽特
职业暗杀党原名:Un homme est mort,又名A Man Is Dead、The Outside Man
Jean-Louis Trintignant plays a French contract assassin hired by a Los Angeles crime family, ostensibly to perform a hit on some other mafia target. But simultaneously, as he arrives to do his ***, a slaying occurs inside the household of the mob **** supposed to employ him. Suspicion is deliberately cast against Trintignant from within that very family. When he tries to flee t...
看Trintignant欧式性冷淡**如何在Funky躁动奔放的洛城都市节奏和肃杀冷峻的氛围交织的阴影中冷静从容地挣脱狡兔死,走狗烹的宿命 magnet:?xt=urn:btih:50eb0764051254ae38260d6e25ff8537c902afcb英字****://t.**/RIB1J9e
一個踏入洛杉磯水泥叢林的法國殺手。Modern and Stylish,米榭李葛蘭(Michel Legrand)的Funky Soundtrack非常悅耳。
《洛杉矶影话》荐片:舒缓的(?)法式性冷淡风格城市追(观)杀(光)片。Jean-Louis Trintignant被Roy Scheider追踪,规格很高呀。配乐是funky曲风似乎拉低了一些*格。**导演眼中的洛杉矶:星际迷航是合家欢电视剧、游客中心男厕有投币式电动刮胡刀座位配小电视、街头有摩托党海边有废弃***码头、市中心好像也没啥高楼。