高利贷者原名:The Usurer,
A wealthy moneylender instructs his collectors to foreclose on the property of every debtor who is behind on his or her payments. Many families are affected by this decision, in some cases with tragic results. But the moneylender is unconcerned, and he ignores their pleas while he enjoys showing off his wealth. But when he is accidentally locked inside his office's valuables va...
A wealthy moneylender instructs his collectors to foreclose on the property of every debtor who is behind on his or her payments. Many families are affected by this decision, in some cases with tragic results. But the moneylender is unconcerned, and he ignores their pleas while h
1910 年 Griffith在讲述故事上已经成熟了,在题材选择上,这类贪婪、报应充满讽刺的社会题材也是他常选择的。这类题材他常常用到平行,交叉,以及对比剪辑手法,首尾内容前后呼应的手法,让剧内容得到升华。比如他1909年拍的 《小麦囤积商》也是这类型电影,表现手法都大同小异,只是结尾少有不同。