成为美国人:华人的经历原名:Becoming American: The Chinese Experience,又名成为美国人——华人的经历
In interviews with historians, descendants, and recent immigrants, this program traces the history and experiences of Chinese in the U.S., from the Gold Rush in California and the building of the Transcontinental Railroad, to the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act which barred their entry into the country.
NO Turning Back - 权利都是踏着前人血泪一寸一尺争取回来的,为何要轻易让渡出去。
Stories told by Americans. What's been left out is the trade-off, the nostalgia, the sense of not belonging anywhere, the loss of home, and the disconnection with your homeland.
这部片子很不错. 但不知在哪里可以看到带中文字幕的? 我很想让家人父母也看一下,可是他们听不懂英文. 多谢!
只看了第三集,2.5 Typical white interpretation of Chinese Americans, if not discriminatory.