**区原名:Close, Closed, Closure,又名Seger。2003年纪录片类型片,创作于以色列、**地区,具有***语、希伯来语语言版本。由Ram Loevy执导,于2003-01-15公映。
A prison with one million inmates. That's how the people of the Gaza Strip regard their land. Gaza is an area of 288 square kilometers surrounded by an electric fence. Lacking natural resources and being one of the poorest places on earth -- Gaza is dependent on its ties with Israel -- its enemy. Made by an Israeli and Palestinian crew, CLOSE, CLOSED, CLOSURE shows the nerve-ra...
对比Gaza Strip.导演把自己和自己的感受更多的呈现在片中,却让人好接受。他从多方面多角度用多个采访更全面的展现了所讨论和纪录的地区和问题。
来打分的一定只有NewsDoc的学生了。Gaza Strip让观众沉溺在黄沙、暴乱和哭喊中,一昧地煽情,迫不及待要让西方观众看到加沙人民有多惨。而CCC的导演Ram Loevy更冷静,也是因为真正在乎这个地区,才不想滥用双方人民的感情。看完CCC后对巴以冲突也更了解了一些。