来自芝加哥的女人原名:The Girl from Chicago,
An undercover government agent on a case in Mississipi meets and falls in love with a beautiful young woman who's being menaced by a local crime ****. He rescues the girl, and they leave Mississippi and head to Harlem, but their troubles follow them: they become involved in the murder of a local crime **** there.
比The Exile录音质量有显著提升,但**风格却弱化了不少,故事除了黑人特务的设定还算新颖外也没其他亮点。
Liza这个femme fatale看得很爽,干净利落心狠手辣绝不留情,最后被抓只能说命数不好没打过主角光环【【这部不少卿卿我我小情侣贴贴,club那场戏还能听到给Mahon提词的好有趣【但是“secret detective”这个趴的故事线蛮弱的,Mississippi部分和NY部分衔接不够。角色里确实从始至终最具多面性的就是蛇蝎Liza,妻子/**/艺术家/***,棒!