BBC.极简主义音乐的魔力原名:Tones, Drones and Arpeggios: The Magic of Minimalism,
Musician, composer and orchestra conductor Charles Hazlewood goes in search of minimalism by exploring the work of **** ***** American composers who rebooted classical music in the 20th century.
每次接触极简主义(音乐/绘画/雕塑/建筑之类)都会产生一种我也行的错觉,然而其实根本不行...╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭
内容相当优秀,就是2018年了画风很2008BBC(尤其旁白lol。這個定義很有意思,雖然各位藝術家不會以Minimalist自居但驚訝於原來自己所愛的許多都可以代入這個概念。無知本人屬於每出現一個guest就會嗷一下…提及West Coast的stretched time和NYC重複盤旋的城市風貌真的仿佛一下子就開了竅。
The charms of breaking barriers, extending the boundry and rebuilding a new world
1958-1976 CA --> NYC // minimalism is music based on the transcendental powers of repetition, coupled with gradual change. Idea of repetition that you could hear a process going on and you could get drawn into sth very subtle. // 第一代 La Monte Young (影响John Cale), Terry Reily (early synthesisers and tape recorders), Steve Reich (phasing effects; Music for 18 Musicians), Philip Glass (music in twelve parts, Einstein on the Beach) // 第二代 Bang on a Can - David Lang, Michael Gordon, Julia Wolfe // 第三代 Nico Muhl, Bryce Dessner // visual artists: Richard Serra, Sol LeWitt // 艺术art material itself is minimal VS 音乐contrast between materials/variations is minimal
啊音乐的地缘性!西岸望向亚洲,海波往复,时间漫长,而在东岸抬眼所见尽是,interlocking grid,声音也是angular的;事实证明economy of means也可以成就既thoughtful又moving的音乐;提醒自己要玩玩phasing
序列主义、Steve reich,kayanisasi,冥冥之中必有回响
“Because you quit keeping track of time, you quit all of that logic, syntax stuff and you surrender to the music.”