岸上渔夫原名:Terra Franca,又名Ashore。2018年纪录片类型片,创作于葡萄牙地区,具有葡萄牙語语言版本。由莱昂诺尔·特莱斯执导,于2018-03-25(**)公映。
Ashore portrays the life of a singular fisherman in an ancient riverfront community near Lisbon. Divided between the quiet solitude of the river and the family ties that wash him ashore, the film follows Albertino Lobo, as nature renews itself with each season cycle.
TAGV | Tem a vida franca na terra franca.
balada de um batráquio直接以电影人的“介入”行为为拍摄对象,而Terra Franca中,导演让“自我”退场,专注于安静而有生命力观察,并以剪辑润物于无声。脱离了吉普赛人社群和身份认同的主旨,Terra Franca让人真正看到她毫不掩饰的坦诚、毫不矫揉造作的专业和十分纯净的美学取舍。