科学养鸡,快乐吃鸡原名:Chicken Real,
This surprisingly gorgeous 16mm short about chicken factory farming has been described as “probably the most hilariously subversive industrial film ever made.” Commissioned by Holly Farms Poultry and one of the last industrial films Blank made, his identifiable tone of arch cynicism with an overriding sensuous pleasure was established with this film.
2020 Vimeo自购二刷已传B站:BV1KT4y1c7NH,意识到大概也就我这种点很奇怪的人爱看这个。所以Les Blank对鸡是有什么执念(此处应@ 荷索 | 190609一刷
用纪录片的摄影,广告式的旁白,欢乐的乡村音乐,展现了近代合理化、科学管理、泰勒主义、***化的全过程。有趣的细节是,能看到还在用punch card输入程序的计算机**。
holy farm😜人类只有对非本物种以外的死亡描述比较直白,引向一个问题:**是如何通过逃脱动物性而建立的。
养小鸡的笼子和肠粉抽屉好像啊 看饿了