《龙纹身的女孩》后期制作特辑原名:The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: Post-Production,
Divided into several segments: A detailed examination of the editing process, centered around Fincher screening scenes from the film; in the recording studio for post-production dialogue recording; comparing the final title sequence to its earliest stages of development in a three-way composite. - viewers may also watch any off the three variations in a full-screen mode and a s...
分了特效、配音、剪辑三部分,细碎、直观 Fincher和Rooney的互动很有趣
导演真的很会抓细节 有些一闪而过的镜头他觉得不行 这里影响了画面比例 真的牛
The Girl with the ****** Tattoo: Post-Production:https://***.bilibili****/video/BV13J411j7AM?p=31