阿凡达:制作物料原名:Avatar: Production Materials,
Features the following collection of production behind-the-scenes: 2006 Art Reel, Brother Termite ****, ILM Prototype, Sam Worthington Screen ****, Zoë Saldana Screen ****, Zoë Saldana Life Cast, James Cameron Speech On First Day Of Filming, ILM VFX Progression, Framestore VFX Progression, Hy-Draulx VFX Progression, Hybride VFX Progression, Prime Focus VFX Progression, Look Eff...
《捕捉阿凡达》中提到的制作物料合集,没有讲解。最后是半小时动捕小剧场。Production shorts才是特辑合集,《捕捉阿凡达》也是截取自里面。
课上看过 学数媒的看这个真的还挺感动的
动作捕捉小剧场太搞了 诳去配乐厅笑死了 德温活宝