オキナワ サントス又名Okinawa、Santos
During World War II, many Japanese immigrants in Santos, Brazil, were forced to move to another place. Matsubayashi draws attention to the fact that 60% of the immigrants were from Okinawa. Based on testimonies from interviewees, this film reveals the hidden historical relationship between Okinawa and Brazil.
多给一星。各方面都不够好,本来应该再找几个人像peer review那样给意见再编辑的(但会不会变成pitch那样的流水线?)韩国的kim soyoung老师也拍过类似的证言(koryu saram)自己管它叫the technology of the dead(因为得和时间竞赛)感觉导演不是非常明白这一点;或者研究的结果并没有很好地反映出来。其实最近去世的电影研究者***哲朗也拍过非常类似的题材,投了山形没有入选,的确不够好/但***去了更多南美地方,也有采访移住在偏远地方的二世三世;也访到了回到冲绳的二世三世。我还是觉得可以更多一点intersectionality