杂货商的儿子、市长、村庄和世界原名:The Grocer’s Son, the Mayor, the Village and the World...,又名LE FILS DE L’EPICIERE LE VILLAGE ET LE MONDE
From a distance, Lussas might look like a tranquil, rural village but big things are going on there. Among the vineyards and cherry orchards of France’s Ardèche region, a handful of idealists are looking to enrich the world with new stories. Their dream is to set up a streaming platform for independent documentaries. And that’s the kind of dream worth fighting tooth and nail fo...
更聚焦于人物、人与人的联结,而非系统与环境,更“小家子气”但也更人文更动情的怀斯曼。 居然一眼认出了阿巴斯法赫蒂……看来《***元年》真的是一部令人印象深刻到能带来创伤的电影。
72/100 是不是第一次看到关于线上纪录片观看**的纪录片?元起来了。关于农村生活和文化**,似乎还有许多期待的内容没有看到。
题材感兴趣,关于乡村 文化事业 新鲜力量,Lussas Doc Tenk。可惜拍得浅 乱,没有深入更多挖掘,像个报道片。