纽约新冠日记原名:Covid Diaries NYC,
Explore the lives of five young filmmakers, who turn their cameras on themselves to tell the stories of their families during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York ****.
its like i win the lottery of bad lucks i feel so empty i feel so many things and nothing at the same time [gotta do what i gotta do] omg totally me
美国疫情一周年了。五个小短片,都是住在纽约的青少年的家庭录像,记录的去年疫情刚开始,到夏天b,l,m pro,****开始的时候的经历。看得我真揪心啊,第一个,男孩和祖母相依为命,downright depressing,后面几个小姑**家长都是essential worker,一个爸爸感染了,在隔壁一直咳嗽,短片结束的时候还没好。开公交的父亲,给老人护理的母亲,一边担心被感染,一边每天拖着疲惫的身体工作,后来好像都感染了。哎,跟这些家庭的经历相比我真是太幸运了,去年真太不容易了。
非常真实。***就已经给我很大感触:一群青少年不戴口罩出外狂欢,结果被中年大叔教训“为什么不戴口罩”,然而,大叔本**没有带口罩。How irony can this world be?