捷克午后的剖析原名:Anatomie českého odpoledne,又名Anatomy of a Czech Afternoon
Temperatures are rising and crowds of people are spending their time at lakes like thirsty animals. Summer hits blasting from the speakers are silenced by an announcement that two boys went missing. We can witness a tragedy or lay down into the shadows with a feeling that it's not our problem.
【20220618】【鲜浪潮】燥热的周末下午两个小孩失踪,但是我们却明明看见了两个小男孩在湖边森林深处玩耍,不以为意 ---- 可是剪辑错位,等警察到湖边时观众才意识到,原来真的有两个小孩子丧命湖底。