绵羊王路易一世原名:Louis I., König der Schafe,又名Louis I., King of the Sheep
When a crown rolled in front of his hooves, Louis, a sheep among other sheep, grabs it, puts it on and becomes king. From then on, he plays through everything that kings do to banish boredom and to demonstrate power. With a lot of humour, historical borrowings and a profound sense, the detailed stop-motion animation drives abuse of power to extremes in order to expose it.
#24th ShorTSIFF#Berlinale2022 Genration K-plus 对于权力生成机制与意识形态国家机器的探讨,部分内容基本是化用《动物农场》的设定。除了画风完全就是对一个严肃的政治学命题的拆解,因而选入新生代单元实在有些莫名其妙。
#Berlinale72新生代K 居然有伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼配音,可是这个动画短片有台词吗?完全不记得了,注意力都被生动的画面所吸引。
#72ndBerlinale# EFM online-Genration K plus-2组。定格动画,(纸糊的)权力与文艺的关系,兼论国家机器与意识形态国家机器的生成。