是人皆焚原名:Y todos arderán,又名Everyone Will Burn
This independent production by outfit Nostalgia Shop Films will tell of how María José (played by Macarena Gómez, who describes her character as “a suffering, extremely bitter woman who is still coming to terms with the past, and who has never been able to overcome a major trauma”), whose son committed ******* after being bullied at school and whose husband recently left her, d...
是真的都该burn...女主太可怜了,十多年来承受着因欺凌而死的丧子之痛,却还被整个小镇的人当做怪人避而远之,甚至还演变成猎巫运动,整个小镇的人都该burn in hell。可惜拍得太长,有些情节的情绪表现得太过火。开场戏不错,中间也有不少亮点,但积攒了那么多情绪到第三幕却处理得很马虎,有点失望。