荒芜原名:Blight,1996年短片类型片,创作于英国地区,具有英语语言版本。由John Smith执导,
The building of the M11 Link Road in East London provoked a long and bitter campaign by local residents to protect their homes from demolition. Blight was filmed during this period, while houses were demolished and land cleared. Using recordings made of people's reminiscences, the score incorporate fragments of speech and natural sounds. The film is based on real events which t...
cineville 082-5 @Kriterion Kill the spiders
片子结构严谨,到最后才表达内涵,声音做的很好。spider建构的网对应到公路的建设,而公路的扩张意味着居住空间的让步,声音里的kill the spider,看似来源于一段日产的对话,却隐含着艺术家的深意。足够完整的一件作品。
8# 诡诈动人 “**蜘蛛”的主题似从四面八方 像飓风一般席卷空* 后现代的声音在图像碎片间织成挽歌 Smith总是擅长将社会议题伪装成高度虚构的纪录片 沉沉轰鸣之下让人一时间分不清这是东伦敦的梦魇还是历史在人们记忆中的叩响 /Cineteca