瘪四与大头蛋:宇宙搞搞震原名:Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe,
After a "creative" judge sentences them to ***** camp, a black hole sends our adolescent heroes 24 years into the modern future where the duo misuse Iphones, embark on a quest to score, and become targets of the Deep State.
当大头蛋对四的说:不是你要来一发,也不是我要来一发,是咱们都要来一发 时,我为这份友谊感动了!
反向bill and ted face the music
虽然Mike Judge没亲自执导,又搞了多元宇宙的俗套,但对***粉丝来说,还是过节了!
有生之年还能看到这东西?!真的优秀!前几天看的Apollo10½,还好不是先看的这个,不然是没法看火箭发射哦淦。white privilege那段可真厉害。
看第一部 do america 时是 13 年
We're subverting the existing paradigm