史黛拉陷入爱河原名:Stella est amoureuse,又名Stella in Love
For Stella, it’s her final year. But she doesn’t care about it! That year, she discovers the famous Parisian 80s club, the Bains Douches, and its crazy nights. Her friends are just studying, her father has left with another woman and her mother is depressed. And then there is André, beautiful, black and mysterious, who dances like a God... That year will decide her whole life....
看完了有些五味杂陈的,一方面觉得**长大的孩子们多幸福啊能边准备bac还边去夜店蹦迪,抽烟恋爱啥也不耽误,另一方面想了一下人家即使过不了bac也能政府补助过的跟常人无异的生活,社会的阶级差异就在这了。电影确实有点像夜店和烟草宣传片了,顺便查了一下**也是18岁以下不能买烟,très drôle电影里的高中生烟跟成年人的咖啡一样常见 。