奈杰尔·斯莱特的今日特色餐原名:Nigel Slater's Dish of the Day,又名下廚易 - 是日推介(港)
Cook Nigel Slater shows how, with a bit of culinary creativity, he turns the contents of his weekly shop into seven delicious dishes – one for each day of the week, in his brand-new programme Nigel Slater's Dish of the Day. In this series, Nigel Slater uses his culinary creativity to ****** ***** meals by showing us how to make the very best of those ingredients in the cupboard...
据说他是***, 难怪家具比其它几个男大厨看起来有品味。很多乱炖了!
虽然 我就是不会做nigel的recipes。
令人发指的热量 虽然有些看起来不错吃
我一直觉得大多数人 吃饭不叫“吃饭 ”应该叫做“进食”。然而这里仿佛每样食物都有灵魂 享受美食的同时你在用心去聆听每一个故事 每一段记忆 。
black pudding, onion fried with butter, pastry it and grill it, sauces depend; blend flour, eggs and beer, dip veggies like cabbage, then fry it, sauces depend; caramelised banana: cut it and fry it with butter, sugar and fresh grated lemon rind
假如睡前给你来一句“睡了,起来还要买菜” ,真的太性感了,怪不得说迈向厨房的一小步是男人走向成熟的一大步。