往后街去:中上健次所遗忘的菲林映像原名:路地へ 中上健次の残したフィルム,又名往后街去:中上健次所遗忘的菲林映像(港)、To the Backstreet: The Films Kenji Nakagami Left Out
A fictionalized documentary on Japanese writer Nakagami Kenji, who died young in 1992. Nakagami was the chronicler of the seaside town of Shingu. Many of Nakagami's stories are set in a specific alley in Shingu, an alley that has now gone, but that lives on in the fiction of Nakagami. And also on celluloid, because the writer filmed the alley before its demolition. Filmmaker Iz...
16mm游車河空鏡頭紀錄,美不勝收車窗外景。中上健次,不曾熟悉;《**的愉樂》只因故人若松孝二而知曉。要麼預熱,要麼交匯。不管怎麼樣,映像深深地打動了我(儘管向來不喜歡青山真治)。片末坂本龍***來派野郎》之「Parolibre」太動聽。PS:殘缺英字出自Linda Hoaglund(Art ×ANPO的導演)之手
回溯了一个不存在的地域和群落,因此驱车走过的所有路都是the transient and immense landscape of nostalgia的一部分,是在向虚**迈步,是抵御忘却的工具,是日本岛之外的liminal land。不管是中上还是制作组,都在向记录的力量致敬。