伊恩·麦克莱恩:我的莎士比亚原名:Ian McKellen: Acting Shakespeare,
Ian McKellen, alone on stage, with no props or scenery, performs monologues from Shakespeare and discusses some of his plays. Produced by Andrew Susskind and presented at the CBS Broadcast Center in New York ****.
—— 在台上全身心燃燒小宇宙的Ian McKellen是如何讓Richard Harris覺得"Technically brilliant but passionless."的?
Sir Ian McKellen爷爷一出场就忍不住给他鼓掌了。由于这些优秀的演员我也实在割舍不了对电影,戏剧跟表演的热爱。
非常迷人,非常動人的演出 "Life isn't some wonderful roman candle, it's not something casting incandescent throughout the universe, it's a brief candle, it's a penny candle, it's the thing you keep in the kitchen drawer for emergencies."
Each generation finds something new in him. Nowhere in his 37 plays is that a single happy marriage. The actors must persuade them to be an audience, not spectator who just watch, they should use their imagination. Richard burbage was the luckiest actor of all, because he was the first Hamlet, the first Othello, the first Henry V. So do you, Ian.
从Ian80 岁舞台秀过来的,这个应该是最初的那一版。那时的爷爷43岁,脸上还没有那么多褶子,但是睿智幽默,太有魅力。
McKellen老爷爷的独脚戏,简略介绍了****的生平,配合精彩的原文演绎,同时融入了个人和历史元素,包括自己接触莎翁和舞台的经历、每个年代戏剧演员的风格演变,还有结尾对《麦克白》中有名独白“Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow”的深度剖析 - 非常具启发性。 以前在学校被迫背诵那些枯燥难懂的对白,看过老爷爷的解读后都被赋予了新的意义 - 在文学作品普及化的伟大旅程中,这无疑是一次成功和值得借鉴的尝试。 也许你会问,为何要把四百年前的诗人作品普及化?我想引用老爷爷的话:“我想那是因为****真的明白人生的复杂性、人类的多样性,还有定义我们存在的**微妙细节。”
太神了... ...好喜欢,而且内容丰富得惊人,他自己和****的因缘和表演莎剧的经历,对****所处**的剧场和演员的设想,不同**因喜好与目的性对莎剧的改动颇大的演绎,看似与现实毫不相干的剧情的与每个人紧密联系的深刻映射意义... ...总之就是非常棒,对经典角色与台词的演绎穿插其中,光听他的念白就是极大享受了,何况这可是全情投入的表演,看到就是赚到呜呜呜!